I'm excited to link up for
Farley's January Currently. I've missed these!!! Here is yet another reason I need to be more faithful in my blogging during school. :-)
*Listening--I was thrilled when I opened Seasons 1-3 of Downton Abbey for Christmas. My husband did well this year! I've been watching episodes here and there when the kids go to bed. It's been wonderful! I can't wait for season 4 to begin. I was late joining the craze, but since I have a crush on all things British I had to check it out. Of course, I was hooked after the first episode!
*Loving--Even though my kids won't let me sleep "late" it has been oh-so-nice to keep my alarm turned off for two weeks. Usually one or both will snuggle with me in the mornings before we head into the kitchen to make breakfast. I have also enjoyed no makeup and comfy clothes. Whatever will I do on Monday?!? I'm afraid it will be quite a rude awakening.
*Thinking--My students keep Leadership Notebooks, but I'm afraid I'm not very good at helping them record their data and using it to set their own learning goals.
That's why I'm excited about one of my most recent TpT purchases, Miss Nannini's Student Data pack. only purchased the 4th grade set. I thought it might be better for me to ease in rather than diving in head first. :-) We are currently in the middle of our fractions units so we can start there. I'm anxious to get started with it since there's still half a year left.
*Wanting--All we ever seem to get is a dusting of snow, and my children (as well as all of my students) are itching to throw snowballs and make snow angels. It seems like we live in a protective bubble that keeps REAL snow away. I bought sleds, snow pants, and snow boots a couple of years ago in hopes of snow, but all we managed was to outgrow the boots and pants! They are predicting an active winter, so maybe, just maybe…
At home and at school. I dearly need to purge but I find it awfully hard. My thought is always that I'll need it as soon as I get rid of it! LOL! I've tried to tackle a cabinet or drawer each day over the break. I know it's tot much, but it is at least a start.
*Tradition--My family always has cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning. Growing up we ate after we opened gifts, but now that my sister and I have homes of our own, we meet for Christmas mid-morning and eat first. It's a simple breakfast but I'm thankful for such a small but important tradition. My mom passed away five years ago, but my dad kept it going. He makes sure he has cinnamon rolls, milk, and juice for us.
I did visit my classroom yesterday. Mostly I pulled materials to bring home for planning, but I did move my job board to a different bulletin board. I am kicking off the new year with behavior beads, so I needed a place to display my students' accomplishments.
I'm going go start off with the homework club beads and the reading goals beads. Then I plan to add the 7 Habits and Bucket Filler beads. I cannot wait to see my students' faces when I tell them about it!
I have much to do before Monday!