Monday, February 3, 2014

February? Really?

HOW can it be February?  We celebrated our 100th Day last week.  It still scares me all that is left to teach before May.  My feelings might have something to do with the fact we missed 5 days in January and we were out again today.  I made the decision two weeks ago to cover my lesson plans with small post-it notes.  I'm tired of crossing out and drawing arrows all over my plans!  At least this way I just move the post-it's. :-)

We have some HUGE events coming up at school. Friday is Cupid's Cafe--our culminating activity for our Economics unit and one of my favorite days of the year!  My class gets to operate a restaurant out of our classroom and serve customers from other classes.  The kids love it!!

Next week is our Reading Around the World week and we have a visiting author, visiting illustrator, book character parade, and family reading night!  I'm hosting the Intermediate author's cafe.  Shew!

This week we are starting our Matter unit in science.  I picked up a couple of resources at the TpT sale yesterday that will really boost my unit.  I'm also teaching Economics and activities to reinforce point of view and theme.  

I'll leave you with a pic of my zebra finches. The one without orange cheeks is my new bird. This one is female-- my class named her Mango!  Ha!  

1 comment:

  1. Having a restaurant in your class sound awesome!! I bet the kids will have fun with that activity. It makes me want to come and participate. I think Mango is the perfect name for this sweet little bird!

